Vincent Brother Clinic – Fort Worth Texas
Feb 25, 2012
The newly turned professional Highland Games Brothers. Andy and Matt Vincent put on an amazing Highland Games Throwing Clinic in Fort Worth, Texas, Saturday Feb 25. It was held in conjunction with the Noth Texas Heavies Kickoff Games.
The Saturday clinic was an all day affair with a good crowd that had a variety of experience. There were brand new - never thrown in games before people, all the way up to Competitive A men’s throwers years of competition under their belt. Andy and Matt Vincent are lifelong athletes with an extensive background in sports, and their guidance over the day showed that they have amassed a wealth of knowledge about movement, speed, power and how to get the most out of what you have.
The day started in order of the classic events. Stones, weights for distance, hammers. Then cabers, followed by the height events, weight over bar and sheaf.
Personally speaking, it was the most useful day that I have spent learning and exploring what to do with the implements for Highland Games. I was totally gassed the next day for the competition, but it was worth the sacrifice for what I learned. Seeing the different styles of Open stone movement that they discussed with each person really gave me the sense that Matt and Andy were taking into consideration each individuals ability. Personalized attention of that detailed nature is rare is a mass setting and I think it really demonstrates their eye for explosive movement and throwing, as well as the fact that they really wanted everyone to get something from them that day.
I got a great view into how a power athlete looks at the events, some different stances to try and I really made some massive improvements in all events. I am excited to see this carry on into my season. I can’t wait for the next clinic so that I can get some more lessons and refine my throws some more.
Andy and Matt placed 1 & 2 in their first Pro games in Phoenix, AZ last weekend. Congratulations to them both and another nod to them for putting on this amazing clinic.
Matt can be found HERE on the interwebs.
Andy can be watched HERE doing his thing.
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